Thursday, September 5, 2013

leap of faith

Which could end happily, or end as a crash in the dirt with me vowing to never leap again.

So that guy that I talked about months and months ago, who I got rid of, and then came back? 

The one that talked to me and then nothing for a year.

I just messaged him about getting together or dinner or coffee or drinks or ice cream.

How did I grow the balls to do such a thing, you ask?

I finished reading a book my Sarah Dessen entitled "Along For The Ride".

It was amazing, and I read the bulk of it today.

I don't want to give away the book in case someone wants to read it, so I'll just say that I think it's worth the read.

Now I need to find another book to read.

But I'm hoping that I'm not getting sick, so in order to combat that I'm going to pop some allergy pills and sleep.

Life is pretty lame lately- all I do is work, see some friends, and sleep.

My workout routine has suffered significantly due to a horrendous work schedule, and having a social life, so I'm just taking it as it comes.

Stay classy,